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The GRACE OUTREACH approach motivates more of the congregation to volunteer for outreach.
The software/app organizes, administrates, and revolutionizes outreach through the latest cloud technology.

Providing a Service Unique for Outreach

GO Focuses on One Thing: Revolutionizing the Effectiveness of Local Church Evangelism

Participant Motivation

GO has a proven track record of involving more people because people can choose a comfortable entry point to evangelistic outreach.

Management Software and App

GO has its own cloud software and app to help local church leaders enlist, engage, and involve possibly every member in the church's outreach.

Resources for Evangelism

GO provides developed resources of outreach templates, promotional media, training, and evangelistic instruction.

Our Service
The App

GO Works because of How it Works!

G.R.A.C.E. Categories
  • GRACE is an acrostic for major categories of evangelistic participation

  • Sub-categories refine participant's interests to provide a "comfortable entry point" to the church's evangelistic outreach

  • Participants register for areas of involvement and receive their own app as a participant in your church's GO program

  • Outreach leaders manage all areas of participation and outreach through the GO software and app, either on computer, smart phone, tablet, or iPad.

Accessible from All Locations
  • Churches access its GO database on the cloud

  • Works on any smart phone, device, or computer

  • Uniquely enlists, organizes, and manages all outreach efforts

  • Entire program can work from a hand-held device

  • Outreach leaders and all participants can access the program through a personal app

Media Resources and Training
  • Employing every talent for evangelism

  • Promotional flyers, posters, and videos

  • Witnessing and visitation instruction

  • Evangelistic leadership training

  • GRACE resources and templates

  • Automatic mapping directions

  • Church database on the cloud

  • Evangelistic record keeping

GO APP: Evangelistic

Effectiveness at Your Fingertips

The GO Program and technology take your evangelistic efforts everywhere you go!

See more people involved in evangelism as GO motivates, enlists, organizes, administrates, trains, and equips people to complete the task of outreach. Added to all this is the advantage of new software, app, and management tools and resources available on any smart device, phone, or computer.

Churches of all sizes and settings will see more people volunteer for participation as well as see them sustain their involvement over time. The increased levels of involvement produce increased results of outreach. That means more contacts made, more people coming to Christ, and increased church attendance. 

How it Works

GRACE Outreach is a ministry of Grace Mission, Inc.

and the Virginia Free Will Baptist Mission Board



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